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AMERICA CHOSE LIFE an integrated auxiliary of The Whole House Of The Lord established as an American Church in 2006.
Thank you and may God bless you!
The walls of Jericho fell down when Joshua marched around them. Later, it was discovered that there were jars of babies in the walls of Jericho as pagan tradition practiced. Proverbs says that God hates six things yea even seven and one of them that is mentioned is the shedding of innocent blood. There is no more innocent blood than that of an unborn baby. Abortion is violence, it is an act of human terror on the human race. We have got to stop killing our own. God always judged Israel for their disobedience by sending enemy nations against them. We need God's blessing and favor to continue in America. The only way to do that is to honor God and to honor what He says in His word that HE honors and we need to hate what He says He hates and that is the shedding of innocent blood. Thank you! Kim Gerred
Proverbs 6:16-18 (King James Version)
King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain
Proverbs 6:16-18
These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 proud look, a lying tongue, and HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD,
18 heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief
The bible is the only truth that can permanently change facts. There is a real devil and a real anti-Christ. He hates Christians, he hates children and he really hates babies. The god of Moleck in the bible was fashioned well to Satan's pleasure as that false god would sacrifice children to the god of Moleck.
Abortion is modern day Moleck and all you have to do is go to your local Senate, State Representatives who legislate law and tell them to honor the decisions that the Christians made by Banning all partial birth abortions in 2008. Here in America, The Center For Moral Clarity along with Pastor Rod Parsley
has protected the unborn as well as the survivors of abortion for twenty five years. He and many others have never wavered from their convictions.
What the enemy meant for evil God will turn for Good!
Founder of
Whole House of The LORD If you have heard of Steven Ministries which is a Christian Counseling program in some of the larger congregations then you will be familiar with Christ Connection. That is similar to how the Christ Connection Operates. Christ Connection is based on a sliding scale fee with a minimum charge of ten dollars and the maximum fee of 10% of your income. All Service members of Armed Forces who served during the Iraq or Afghanistan war are exempt and will not be charged any fees at all. If you are the victim of abortion contact me and we will walk out of the darkness into the light together!
Call now for an appointment to get your life back on track and learn to do things God's Way! 573-765-0166