California Living Will for Kimmy D. Gerred-Nelson and Testament
Hybrid Life Insurance Policy: All Cause and Accidental life insurance policy effective on August 1st, 2012 for coverage of a substantial amount of Life and a substantial amount of accidental death coverage that is paid for by auto draft out of my bank account each month.
Hybrid Life: Competitively priced high face-amount coverage available with a convenient 24 to 48 hour approval process. Your initial coverage is a blend of all cause and accidental death life insurance. With medical underwriting following policy issuance, you may enhance this blend by increasing your all cause coverage component and eliminating or reducing your accident only limitation. You may defer the medical exam for up to six months or choose to not undergo medical underwriting at all and keep your blended policy in force as issued. Please click here or call 1-888-440-1554.
Personal Information
Name: Kimmy D. Gerred-Nelson
Address: P.O. BOX 120335
San Diego, California 92112
NO Organ Donation
DO NOT want to donate organs.
Power of Attorney Agent
First choice: Pastor Steve Mitchell
519 W. Silas Brown St.
Jackson, MS. 39208
(601) 948-1874
Beneficiaries: Equal share with all four of Kim's Children: Bryan Austin Gentry, Ashleigh Michelle Gentry, Robert James Butler (formerly Bobby Lee Little) and Angel Destiny Butler (formerly Angel Destiny Burson)
Life Sustaining Treatment
Terminal condition: DO want life sustaining treatment.
Permanently Unconscious: DO want life sustaining treatment.
Tube Feeding: DO want to receive both artificially provided food and water.
Pregnancy Terminal condition and pregnant: Want life sustaining treatment.
Terminal condition, and life sustaining measures may allow recovery, but might result in the death of unborn baby:No preference stated on life sustaining treatment.
Pain and Euthanasia Pain: If in a terminal condition or permanently unconscious and in pain, DO want any and all pain medication administered.
Euthanasia: If legal, would NOT want to utilize it.
Organ Donation DO NOT want to donate organs.