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Ron Petrinovich - FEG Client Presentation 2019 from Freedom Equity Group on Vimeo.
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Annual Enrollment Period begins on October 15 and ends on December 7th. You can change plans as many times as you want during that time. The plan that you last enroll in is the plan that will take effect on January 1st, 2021. There will also be a brief period from January thru March 31 disenrollment period, and you may reenroll in a "like" plan or return to original Medicare during that time.
We service *ALL AGES for Health, Dental, Vision, Prescription, Travel, Tele Med & More! Scroll down and click on any of the carrier buttons to get free quotes or to enroll. We are licensed in 9 states.
For your safety and convenience we've provided you access to self enroll in an array of many different plans offering Medicare Beneficiaries a place to shop around for the right plan or plans for you and / or your loved ones.
What Medicare does not cover:
Medicare does not cover RX drugs unless they are injected or infused in a clinical setting or doctors office. That is covered by Medicare Part B. So even with a Medigap plan or Medicare Supplement you are still on your own for your out patient RX drug coverage. It does not cover prescription drug coverage. This is where "Part D" comes in.
Most people enroll in a "Part D' plan as soon as they qualify for Medicare because if you wait to enroll in a Part D plan after you're eligible for Medicare, you will be penalized unless you're enrolled in a credible drug coverage plan from a group employer, veterans administration or Indian tribal community.
This is why most people enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan because most of them include prescription coverage. You just have to make sure to enroll in a plan that covers your medications at the best rate possible.
Seniors are more susceptible to gum disease, root decay, dry mouth and oral infections. Typical cavities, root canals, other serious dental conditions are not covered by Medicare. Routine dental visits are not covered under Medicare. It only covers medically necessary dental services. It may pay (for example) if you have to have a dental clearance before a major heart surgery or something of that nature or an oral surgery that requires dental services. Neither will a Medigap or Medicare Supplement plan pay for dental services that are not covered by Medicare.
Fortunately, there are many good dental plans out there and you should continue your dental care thru a separate dental plan
Medicare Advantage plans typically include some dental coverage. But in my experience, if you need something like implants then you will need to purchase extra coverage from a separate plan and keep that plan in tact for over a year before they will pay a quantitative amount towards that type of coverage.
Vision is not covered by Medicare either. Medicare does not cover eye exams, eye glasses or contact lenses. Most persons 65 years or older will develop vision loss and cataracts. Medicare will pay for Cataracts and one pair of corrective lenses after treatment. Continued care is not covered.
As usual, if you have a Medigap plan then it will "mirror" or pay for only what Medicare approves of or whatever Medicare pays so your vision will only be covered by Medigap plan or Medicare Supplement plan if it is covered by original Medicare. Most Medicaer Advantage plans pay for vision care. But there are separate vision polices available for people on Original Medicare or Medigap plans.
Seniors also experience hearing loss by 1/3 of the population ages 64 to 74. And half of them are hard of hearing. Medicare does not cover this either. Hearing aids can cost around $2700, but you pay 100% of hearing exams, fitting and the hearing aids themselves.
And because Medicare does not cover it the Medigap also known as Medicare supplement plans do not cover any routine hearing either. Some Medicare Advantage Plans do cover this, that's why it's important to compare and shop around for the best benefits that you will utilize.
Neither is "Skilled Nursing Facility" covered if the conditions are met. Even if it is covered then the copays for the first 20 days are $0, days 21-100 copays are $176 for 2020 and days 100 and beyond to the maximum amount of stay then your copay becomes 100%. They must need more than just "Custodial Care" like bathing, eating and dressing, and it has to be followed by a 3 day in patient stay at a hospital to qualify.
Skilled Nursing Facility is NOT to be confused with LONG TERM CARE. Long Term Care is NOT covered by Medicare and the older and/ or sicker you become the less qualified you become and the more expensive the rates become that you will be paying.
If you have a Medigap plan, they may pay toward your copay for that. However, Medigap or Medicare Supplement plans will not pay anything for Long Term Care coverage because it's not covered by Medicare.
There are only 3 Long Term Care providers and if you so much as have diabetes you will likely be turned down. Good news, I have a plan that will cover you with only a few qualifications; you must be able to dress and bath yourself and it's an affordable plan starting at only around $20 a month.
You could also buy a "Health Savings" Plan prior to starting Medicare that you can invest in to pay towards your future Long Term Care services. And it's preferred over most Long Term Care plans because you can use the money as you deem necessary with the ability to leave your heirs the remainder of funds in the account.
Foreign Travel emergencies are not covered by Medicare either. However, Medicare Supplements or Medigaps and some Medicare Advantage plans cover "Foreign Travel Emergencies" but Medigap Foreign Travel Emergency caps at $50,000.00 however the foreign hospitals and doctors do not bill Medigap or Medicare Advantage so you will have to pay cash first and then let the plan reimburse you. Or you can buy a "Travel Health" policy that will cover things like transfers, vaccinations, and some cover luggage theft and flight cancellations.
Shop now for your Medicare Advantage plan! Be sure and get the one that has some dental, vision, hearing, and maybe even the Part B Premium return, or Insulin savings plan. Thank you!
Do you qualify for Medicare? ATTENTION RETIREES! If you enroll in any Medicare plan outside of your employer plan (even in a prescription plan alone) or if you drop your employer insurance, you, your spouse and your children will lose all their coverage and will be unable to get it back. But you must enroll in a Medicare plan within 8 months after you lose your employer health insurance coverage or you will receive a penalty for life. You could also be penalized if you do not enroll in a credible prescription drug plan when you turn 65. Medicare allows you 3 months prior to your 65th birthday and 3 months following your 65th birthday to enroll without being penalized.