I wait on the edge of my chair
To see if you "like" it or even care
When I make my facebook posts
Or make comments & little notes
You mean so much to me
If your heart could only see
How I pray & I cry for you
Cause I love you & I miss you too
More than You'll ever know
or then i'll ever be able to show
But God knows & He is enough for me
When I trust HIM then HE sets me free
From any worry or from any fears
He holds my hands & wipes away my tears
I just open my little black book
His Word the strenght that I took
Faith to take me through any storm
That satan may ever try to form
Strength to wait for one more day
To see if you "like" what I might say1
<3 Mommy Aurora Borealis
March 20, 2012